
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2019

sedimentary rock

SEDIMENTARY  ROCK                                                                                               SEDIMENTARY ROCK ARE FORMED BY SEDIMENT       THAT IS DEPOSITED OVER TIME,USUALLY AT THE   BOTTOM OF LAKES AND OCEANS.       THIS SEDIMENT CAN INCLUDE MINERALS, SMALL PIECES OF PLANTS 0R OTHER ORGANIC MATTER. IT IS COMPRESSED OVER A LONG PERIOD OF TIME BEFORE CREATING A ROCK .             FOSSILS CAN BE FOUND IN SEDEMENTARI ROCK           trital or clastic rocks (more than 50% of terrigenous). Ruditas or conglomerates (puddles and breccias), sandstones, shales (siltstones, clays or claystones...

metamorphic rocks

                    metamorphic rocks definition of metamorphic rocks: A rock is a hard stone, of great solidity, which is composed of one or more minerals. Metamorphic, on the other hand, is what was subjected to a process of metamorphism   A rock, when these conditions are modified, loses its thermodynamic equilibrium. In this way, it will seek to take advantage of the energy to carry out an evolution that allows it to recover its equilibrium in the new conditions. The rock resulting from this process will receive the qualification of metamorphic rock. Below are some of the main metamorphic rocks: Metamorphic rock * Espilita: belongs to the basaltic (volcanic igneous rocks with a rich content of iron and magnesium silicates, and with little silica), specifically those altered by fluids at high temperatures. It usually has a green or gray color and has no visible crystals, although thi...


THE MOHS SCALE The Mohs Scale of minerals hardness is a qualitative ordinal scale that characterizes the stractch resistents of various minerals trough the ability of a harder material to scratch a softer mineral. It    was created in 1812 by the german geologist Fiedrics Mohs and is one of several definitions of hardness in matireals science, some wich are more quantitative.


DEFINITION OF ROCKS AND CLASSIFICATION  A rock is an aggregate of one or more   minerals  whereas a rock may also incluided   organic remains and mineraloids . Some rocks   are   predominantly composed of just one mineral   They don´t have different shapes.


                                                             DIAMOND     The diamond is a precious stone consisting of a clear colourless crystalline form of pure carbon , the hardest    and naturally  ocurring substance.   Now we are going to show you a photo of a diamond:  The diamond can be white, blue, yellow, orange, red, green, pink, purple, violet and blac                   https://youtu.be/v8uNpQYWmM0


WHAT IS A MINERAL?   A mineral, is broadly speaking, a solid chemical compound that occurs naturally in pure form. TYPES OF MINERALS Minerals being natural chemicals,are classified according to their chemistry and crystal form.