THE DIPLOC AULUS THE DIPLOCAULUS IS A GENDER COMING FROM LEPONDILOS THAT LIVED ON THE PERIOD PERMICO 270 MILIONS OF YEARS AGO THE FIRST DISCOVERED WAS IN TEXAS BY EDWARD COPE IN THE WAR CALLED THE WAR OF THE BONES THE ADULTS CAN HAVE A METER OF LONG APROXIMATELY THEY LIVED IN THE WATER HIS NIKNAME WAS ARROW HEAD SOME SCIENTIFICS THINK THAT THIS DINOSAUR EVOLUCIONED TO A SALAMANDER BUT THEY ARE NOT SURE The Diplocaulus is an extinct genus of amphibians that belongs to the group of lepospóndilos, some primitive tetrapo The Diplocaulus is an extinct genus of amphibians that belongs to the group of lepospóndilos, some primitive tetrapods that inhabited the earth for more than 70 million years.ds that inhabited the earth for more than 70 million years. In no case should we confuse the Diplocau...
LUVESOLI Hello! We are the creators of Luvesoli, Luvesoli is a robot that does all that you say to him, for example, if you say: Luvesoli, I want spaguetti for lunch please. And Luvesoli makes the spaguetti. It has 20 years of garanty, it doesn´t need to charge and it costs 3.000 $, but you can designe and decorate the robot with the same price. It´s recommendable for old people, people who lives alone and it helps with the family too. You can programmate, or say what do you want with your mobile phone, if you don´t are in home. If you buy it, you have it in 5 minutes! Please buy it! Thank youu.. This is the price of the materials: 10$ the stainless steel 616$...
tres enfermedades letales tumor cerebral Un tumor cerebral que se forma en el cerebro hay varios tipos de tumores cerebrales, cancerígeno al igual que produce cáncer o no tener cáncer de 24h a un mes afecta al cansancio. El tumor cerebral no es genético LA HISTORIA CONTINUA CON ENFERMEDADES POR PRIONES
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